Monday, March 6

Ahh. I just had a wonderful conversation with Neal. Conversations make me feel alive. I guess that's what I miss most about life. I've been so wrapped up in my own thoughts. All the time, no ideas coming from anywhere but me. And it works pretty well for I have a pretty logical brain that assesses situations from many angles, but sometimes it just can't compare with a different point of view. It's that comment you wouldn't suspect; the unforseen joke; the words of someone living a different life. Examples:

(referring to caitlin...)
Nealblind: we both think we are smarter than each other
Cpjunkie6: hmm... you should have a series of games
Nealblind: don't say anything
Nealblind: okay
Nealblind: no
Cpjunkie6: and the winner gets to wear a shirt that says, "i'm with stupid"
Nealblind: find a metal girl
Cpjunkie6: one made of Bronze?
Nealblind: no
Nealblind: one with bronze
Nealblind: piercings
Cpjunkie6: haha, i'll make that my plan B
Cpjunkie6: plan A being find one without bronze piercings
Cpjunkie6: but thanks for your support
Nealblind: that is quiter's talk
Cpjunkie6: haha
Nealblind: there are plenty of those

I get a kick out of Neal. He humors me while being humorous and serious at the same time. His large words frighten me though, like hedonistic, misogynistic and poogas. I learned how dumb people feel, gripped by the firm hand of ignorance. I used to use big words without realizing it back when I read constantly, and kids daily would say, "stop acting smart with your big words," or some crap like that. Problem solved, because I've forgotten my vocabulary. I love exercising my humor, or saying things that people say, "that's so quotable," (this happens often when I am under the influence). But I also love hearing it from others. I also love how he doesn't use the word "lol" in AIM-speak. It's too high school girlish. Don't get me wrong, I'm pro high school girls, but lol should not be used by a man more than necessary. And it's rarely necessary. An actual laugh will suffice. And never use lol when you're not actually laughing. That's abuse of the word.

I surf blogs for interesting reading material. Here's your blog quote of the day brought to you by a bubbly high school girl, and the letter J.

i love the weather man
he's my buddy
we tell each other everything
he doesn't often have anything
interesting to say
except things like
"small chance of rain today"
"hurricane *enter name* will hit *enter state,city,country* next wednesday"
so you see
he isn't very entertaining
and I often feel like hurting him
so he will stop telling me the weather
and do something interesting for once
but somehow
i don't think thats gonna happen anytime soon

Well, that's enough of my ramblings. I haven't rambled for a couple weeks, so you had to know it was coming. As always, I try keeping the reading full of content for all sorts of psychologically unstable people. Sometimes it's stories, sometimes it's updates on cool happenings, sometimes it's editorials, sometimes it's just stuff I find interesting.

The best part of running your own business--if you're not concerned about how many customers you get, you can do whatever you want.



Blogger Casey undoubtedly said...

Your obvious attempt at selling me substances to abuse are met with failure. Here's a suggestion, make English your first language and understand that the word is "substances" or "a substance" when referencing drugs, then take your third-rate cocaine and methylamphetamines elsewhere. Pandering your goods online on my site! I won't have it!

3:00 AM  

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In the year 2006 I resolve to:
Blame Canada.