Friday, December 16

I'm so pro-Pirates it's hardcore. I don't understand why ever became popular (in profiles). Someone needs to put a stop to this.

I would be the lazy guy with a beard.

Initially at least, it's a toss up. People are gunna definitely split on this one. I think most girls would choose the left one because they'd want someone to talk to. For guys...talking isn't as important. (Well, maybe on a deserted island it is...but in real life this is true.) After many minutes of thinking it over, I would go with the one on the left. I don't know how annoying she is, but I'd take my chances that she wouldn't be that annoying. With the one on the right, you know exactly what you're getting (like walks on the beach...among other things). But this picture has the fish saying "fwap fwap." I imagine I'd get tired of this quickly, and when I told it to shut up, its fish brain wouldn't understand. Also, children of this reverse mermaid would be pretty retarded, and not large enough for a good Friday night fish fry.

This makes me laugh inside.

I did not know this. I like how it says, "Chinese Folk."

Are you serious? This guy can style



It's Friday and I've finished everything school related. Time for Christmas related stuff. I won't be updating much for a while, mainly because I'm not online much at home (I actually do stuff).

I'll leave you with a few of my thoughts:

I think it's really cool that we're mortal. It would suck to live forever. I think everything's more important-seeming when we know that sometime it's going to be over. I'm greatful knowing that if it got too bad, I have the power to end it, and we have the power to end it for others. Were we born on this earth knowing we'd be here forever, nothing we did would seem important. We wouldn't accomplish as much in a given amount of time because we'd feel no pressure. The more time we think we have, the more we'll feel free to use it--squander it. If we feel a constant time pressure, we're going to respond and do as much in it as we can. For this reason, setting a due date on our life is good and productive. In fact, if we were to reduce the expected lifespan of people, we might become more productive as a society and as individuals, provided we all accepted that we would die sooner.

I think for all of us there is a desire for a legacy. We all want to be remembered. This is pointless, really, for once we're dead, we won't care. But when we're alive, we care about when we're dead and we want ourselves to go on through others. Partly because of this, we have children and teach them to respect and remember their elders. It's a sense of importance. We all want to be the big fish in the little pond, ignoring the fact that we're a guppy in the ocean on a planet in a solar system in a galaxy. It's kind of neat how similar we all are, in terms of these petty desires and needs. No matter how different we think we are from different cultures around the globe, people are all pretty much the same. If we were born in their shoes, we would turn out living their life as they live it.

Until next time...


Link time! It's Friday finally, the last day of the week. I've got myself a test after a group of hours I should study for, but that doesn't mean I didn't find a bunch of worthy media files for you to watch.

First up is this guy. He's my hero. Anyone who dresses up as a ninja and acts just like a ninja rules.

Next up is the best way to meet ladies, in my opinion.

This song should go national. There's a few funny lines I'm sure more than a few people will laugh at.

This guy is actually/was pretty cool. He's an exception to the average soldier who was in Iraq. I especially like his last words, "Don't shoot damn it! I'm Pat Tillman!" It makes me want to say some really great stuff so that they can quote me when I die, and/or possibly accomplish some stuff in this life.

This is a great prank. I wish I could do something like that. If the opportunity arises, I'm going to start pranking people. All I need is some accomplices, for my life has been vastly underfilled with prankings.

Car crashes are just fun to watch. I just saved myself hundreds of hours worth of Nascar-like television by cutting to the good parts.

And what's up with this thing. Einstein? I'm totally way smarter than that bird, but nobody calls me Einstein. I think it's a disgrace to a genius' name, but the bird is still pretty cool.

I suppose I'd best shower and get to studying now.

Tuesday, December 13

It's time for me to be an asshole again.

I've received a lot of spam and personally addressed emails, as well as shit in people's profiles telling me to think about the troops in Iraq. They want me to think and pray for them. Well I ain't praying for nobody, and I'm certainly not going to think of them. That's gay. I'm don't think about anybody unless I want to, and nobody's going to tell me otherwise.

Why is it they get all this special treatment? Is it because they are suffering and going through hard times? Maybe I am too, but we don't see anybody putting up a bumper sticker on their car that says, "support Casey" now do we? They're over publicized and over-hyped. My thoughts have to be saved for thinking about my friends and family, not people I don't even know.

I'm totally fine if someone you know is fighting and you're praying and thinking of them all the time, but you need to know your boundaries. Your boundary ends when you start telling me what to do. You're not the boss of me. Get in line. Wait...

Soldiers understand when they sign up for the marines and fly over to go fight that some people are going to die and get injured. They weight their options. Most of them are like, "shit, I got no money, and I'm not going to college...I should go train to kill people." There are always risks and consequences in any job. Maybe you should just think of their deaths as them getting an "F" in Bullet Dodging and Tactical Planning. We've got way better military technology and force than our enemies, so what's the big deal?

So let's say I do think and pray for them. Now what? Do I get a cookie? No? I guess I can just sit on my thumbs then.

You know, before the war, there wasn't all this publicity and people profitting from selling those bumper stickers. But people feel like they're behaving good when they slap one on their car, like they've done their part. You know, if I owe stuff to people, they're pretty much all dead, and I would've done the same thing in their situation. As for this war, it's unnecessary and a drain on our economy. They're getting paid to do their job. So is every other American worker, a lot of whom we rely on a lot harder as a society. We need policemen, grocery store workers, firemen and bank tellers. They affect my life in a direct way I can see. I prefer to salute them for their efforts in their workplace, and if they die whether it be from cancer or suicide or AIDS or glaucoma, I dearly hope they are replaced very quickly, because I don't feel like getting robbed by Joe Dirtbag.

Don't fall for the media hype about our military. You're only hurting yourself. If you see a soldier when he's returned, you can still tell him that he's been in your prayers every day. It's a white lie, like telling your wife she doesn't look fat in those jeans; everybody wins.

That's all I've got to say about that.

Oh, and I just ate a pound of applesauce.

Monday, December 12

This is a summary of this post.
Worthless post. Don't read this if you're bored, because this isn't your medicine. Most of my other posts aren't this garbage, so take a trip there if you wish. School's over. I guess that's a good thing. I have one more test on Friday, but nothing to do until then. I want to visit friends in Alfred but that's probably not going to work out because I don't have a car here, and my ride isn't free until Friday which is too late. I just woke up and I went to bed at 9am. This sucks because I'm hungry and the only food I can get is in a vending machine. Why must eateries conform to be open at all the same hours? I should have food to make myself, but I don't. I guess my breakfast is going to be five poptarts, strawberry and cinnamon, because that's all there is. It's going to cost five dollars. What a rip-off. I like to do odd things sometimes when I think nobody's looking. Yesterday I was hopping on one foot in a circle chanting something about how delicious pizza is while waiting for the elevator. And someone walked by. The only thing to do is stop immediately and act like nothing happened. They kinda look at you funny, but whatev. I miss playing with krakerjaxx in Halo. He was very funny and he played all the time, but now he's changed his gamertag so I must look him up. I did party up with some very humorous people and got many laughs though. It's strange what some people do. This one kid on my team was killing himself, which would make us lose, unless we followed his demands. His demands were that we all sing. If we stopped he killed himself. Sing anything: a song, freestyle, or just beatbox. We all gave in to his demands, because we wanted to win, and we did win. That kid has issues. My life is easy but it sucks right now. The very fact that I'm writing about me doing nothing is proof alone. I haven't read a good book in a long time. Instead I just read random shit on the internet. I hope computer screen light isn't bad for my eyes. If it is, I hope one of my eyes is stronger than the other, so I get to wear a cool eye patch. Thank god for my friends at home. I miss them. I miss Thies and Keith and Neal and Gagne and Ben, and all the people I see when I see them. People hang out in clusters. Clusters of coolness. They stick together. It's nice, if you find someone cool, because they have friends that are cool. Then there's the rest of the world in between the clusters, or worthless clusters of people you don't want to associate with. That's where I'm at in Buffalo. I'm friendly and all, but I'm not going to be friends with these kids. People here offer me drugs. Weed and aderol and alcohol mostly, but my roommate has access to others. How generous of him to offer me drugs for free! He's just looking to make another sale after I've tried it. Some kid walked in our room yesterday and started talking with my roommate A and I. I thought he knew my roommate but he didn't. When he left he just went next door, and he didnt' know them either. My neighbor said he just walked in and opened his closet and started looking through his clothes when he saw him and was like, "what are you doing?" The stranger contrived some story about how he used to live there and wanted to see the changes. I don't even think that kid was on drugs at the time. He was just weird. My mouth is dry. I desire hot chocolate or Sierra Mist. Good luck on your exams if you have them. Peace.
I just taught myself a little code. It's fun! Do you like the changes? I remembered what my old blog was. There's a solid five hours worth of reading there. Something like 80 posts. It's very different from this one in that I wrote in it every day about myself. Some of it is worthy.

In the year 2006 I resolve to:
Blame Canada.